Closing Day

“I had the pleasure of helping an old friend and his family get into their dream home! Not only through the credit journey, but I was their Realtor!”

I drew their new house into a coloring page before the closing for the kids to be entertained while we got through the paperwork. I brought a variety of crayons and colored pencils for them to keep after.

The Story behind the cutting board.

David made a promise to his wife Karah 17 years ago. That they would have their own home where their kids could grow up in and feel like home.

We originally started working on credit for that goal. Things changed and the new goal became get David a Truck for the family and work.

Then he reached out to me again a year later and we touched up credit with the new house in mind before the kids left, so they had a house that felt like home.


The Greenlee Family